Wednesday, August 18, 2010

To New Beginnings!

So things have been happening recently, I was laid off my job, which I think, no I know is a blessing in disguise. I have been working on making my Wedding & Event Planning passion into something full time. I am working on getting more clients and tuning things up, I have my SIL working on my new website, and in turn, I am making a point to blog more.

I have changed my blog around a bit,so here's to making more of a commitment to my passion.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

To New beginnings!

Today I decided, that I am going to make it a habit to write at least 2 times a week.

I have changed my heading, since I am not longer getting married (going on 2 years married), lol. So far, all I have been able to come up with is for the love of Aqua!

I am obsessed with the color-Tiffany Blue, Aqua, Turquoise anything in that family. I may come up with a better name later on, but for now I am going to run with it!

So I will just dive right in and go from their.